February Doughnuts


Hello Bakery Family,

It's February, our anniversary month. Forty-five years ago on February 25th, 1978, a Saturday, we opened our doors for the first time and sold $21.65 worth of product such as it was. Of that 21 dollars,  my college roommate, Bridget Stover, in a loving effort to support my crazy idea, spent $16.00. We got to talking to the first customer who left, went home, and called us up saying, "I didn't pay" so we knew we had a lot to learn about retail. One customer (of a total of about 6) asked, upon viewing our baguettes, "What’s that? A club?"  On February 25th, 2012, a Saturday, the old bakery burned down. This year February 25th again falls on a Saturday. Let's hope this year is less dramatic. 

As we have done in the last few years, we will celebrate this anniversary month by bringing back Butter Cream Cake Donuts, the most requested product from the old bakery. We will have them every day this month except on the days that we screw up.

Now of course, February also brings Pączki Day aka Fat Tuesday. More on that later, however here is the schedule so you can plan. Please please please order ahead.

If you follow the button below, you can place your order for Tuesday, Feb 21, Pączki Day:

We will also be making Pączki on Pączki Practice Day which is this Saturday, February 11th. Because we only make them at this time of the year, and because it is a huge batch, we need to practice the techniques and the logistics so that we can be ready for the Big Day. On Pączki Practice Day Pączki will be discounted and sell for two dollars each. Then we will make Pączki again on Monday through Wednesday, the 20th through 22nd of February.

To return to thoughts surrounding 45 years in business. Of course every anniversary brings back memories both wonderful and sometimes terrible. This one seems to feel weightier to me than previous ones, perhaps because it's pointing to the 50th anniversary, perhaps because Alec has joined me in owning the bakery so it can continue to serve this community, and perhaps (and I know this is a surprise) because I'm getting old and missing Ken. As most of you already know, this community has held us in its arms through some pretty difficult, and some pretty wonderful times. It's a good thing because Ken and I had no idea what we were doing when we opened. I knew it was going to be hard work, but I had no idea just how hard it would be. On the flip side, while I knew that I loved to make food for people, I had no idea how happy it would make me to make a lot of food for a lot of people. Also, I hadn't experienced the generosity and kindness that the bakery revealed. I had no idea how wonderful it would be to be welcomed and woven into this caring and lovely community. On to our 50th!


Sam DeLoof