The Starms they be A'commin'


Well the projected weather for this week has certainly thrown a wrench in everyone's plans for this holiday. We plan on being open every day no matter what the weather. However we know that weather may complicate when you choose to pick up your order. We are working to be as flexible as possible. The important thing is you have a safe holiday.

The reality is that all of our products are better the fresher they are. Some products like Crackers, Chocolate Rum Balls, Chocolate Hazelnut Balls, cookies, and Granola will keep nicely for weeks in their packages.

The Cranberry Orange Bread will freeze beautifully. I have never experimented with freezing Chocolate Babka or Polenta Cake, so if you do, please give us some feedback. 

Almost all of our breads freeze very well and should be frozen when they are in peak condition. If you put bread in the refrigerator it will dry out seven times faster than if it is stored on your counter. However on your counter, it will mold more quickly. If you're going to keep bread for anything more than two or three days, wrap it tightly, hug it to squeeze out the air, and put it in the freezer.  To thaw your bread, either toast it, let it thaw covered, or, if it is an unsliced loaf, lightly wet the crust and pop it in the oven for ten minutes. It doesn't matter what temperature you use to reheat it, when you can smell it or the crust feels right, it will be as close as possible to the way it was when it came out of our oven.

Because everyone's plans (including ours) are going to be disrupted, it is more important than ever to order ahead as far as possible. We are planning on having plenty of product ready for you when you arrive and orders help us in that planning process. 

We are open from 7:30 AM to 5 PM on Tuesday through Friday this week. On Saturday, Christmas Eve, we will close at 3 PM.

We're pretty exhausted after Christmas and haven't seen much of our families so the bakery will be closed Christmas Day and we will re-open on January 3rd, 2023.

We send our very best wishes for joyful holidays to all of you.

Judy and Alec and the Entire Staff.

Sam DeLoof