Easter in Words and Treats


So why do we call it Easter? And what’s this about the paschal mystery or the paschal lamb. Why not the Easter lamb?  Here is the link between those two words.

“According to the Book of Exodus, God (Yahweh) commanded Moses to tell the Israelites to mark a lamb's blood above their doors in order that the Angel of Death would pass over them (i.e., that they would not be touched by the tenth plague, death of the firstborn)." The Hebrew word for passover is Pesach. Like Hebrew, most of the world's languages use derivations of the Greek word Pascha, derived from the Aramaic word for passover to designate the celebration we call Easter. (Adapted from Wikipedia.)

But Proto-Indo-European derived languages (English, German, and Slavic) use a derivation of the name of Eostre, goddess of dawn, who was characterized as a "reluctant" bringer of light for which she is punished. Wouldn’t you know, a woman brings light.... (Adapted from Wikipedia.)  

What we also know is that late winter was a time of starvation for the masses in past times These were serious and vast starvation times when peasants might spend half of their time sleeping to save energy and stay warm. Late winter starvation lasted into the early 18th century in Europe where it was incorporated into the concept of sacrifice during Lent.
It's no wonder that in Northern climes there are joyous spring celebrations. The underlying themes are, of course, Spring. Rebirth, Renewal, Release, and Hope. It’s no wonder that most Northern cultures have a grand Spring celebration, they’ve been starving, and the first food plants are poking their heads up. Of course, those celebrations center around food, and planting and reproduction and hope. 

I know, just get to the bakery goodies Judy

I love Easter products, they’re all about eggs and dried fruits and butter and chocolate and citrus. Above you can see Polenta Cake with a lemon glaze, and of course, Hot Cross Buns.

Our special Easter breads, chocolate Babka,,Challah, and Josephine's Anise bread. Don't forget, we only make Josephine's during Lent so reserve your loaves now. Actually no matter what you're getting it's a good idea to place an order as soon as you know you want it. It really helps us.

And of course, the famous  Babka bunnies. Great treat for kids, as well as adults. Below, you will find our product list. I really didn't have room to include pictures of everything so you'll have to come into the store and take a look at all the goodness that we're baking this season. Order early and often and have a joyful Easter/Spring/Passover.

Wishing everyone peace and joy,
Judy/ Alec and the Talented Crew at Sarkozy Bakery

Sam DeLoof